Namespace SceneGate.Ekona.Containers.Rom
- AgeRating
Age rating for a region.
- ArmEncodeFieldFinder
Find the constant with the decoded size of the ARM.
- Banner
Banner of a program.
- Banner2Binary
Convert a container with banner information into a binary stream.
- Binary2Banner
Convert a binary format into a container with the banner information.
- Binary2NitroRom
Converter for binary formats into a NitroRom container.
- Binary2RomHeader
Converter for binary ROM header into an object.
- DsiProgramInfo
Information of DSi programs.
- GlobalMemoryBankSettings
DSi extended memory global memory bank settings (MBK 1 to 5).
- IconAnimation2AnimatedImage
Converter for ROM banner animated icons into an animated image.
- IconAnimationFrame
Frame definition for the ROM animated icon.
- IconAnimationSequence
Sequence of definition of frames for the ROM animated icon.
- LocalMemoryBankSettings
DSi extended memory local (to a processor) memory bank settings (MBK 6 to 8).
- NitroProgramCodeParameters
Nitro and twilight parameters related to the code program (arm9).
- NitroRom
NDS cartridge file system.
- NitroRom2Binary
Converter from NitroRom containers into binary format.
- NitroRom2BinaryParams
Additional parameters for the NitroRom2Binary converter.
- OverlayInfo
Information about a program overlay.
- ProgramInfo
Information about the content of the program.
- RomHeader
Header of the program in a ROM.
- RomHeader2Binary
Converter for ROM header object into binary stream (serialization).
- RomSectionInfo
Information about the different sections of the ROM.
- DeviceUnitKind
Device unit compatible for the ROM.
- DsiCryptoMode
Security mode for DSi ROMs.
- DsiRomFeatures
ROM features for DSi or new DS games.
- MemoryBankProcessor
Gets or sets the processor assigned to a memory bank.
- ModcryptTargetKind
Target area to modcrypt.
- ProgramRegions
Supported regions for the program.
- ProgramStartJumpKind
The kind of program start jump at launch.
- ScfgExtendedFeaturesArm7
Define the control register (SCFG) extended features for DSi ARM7.
- TwilightAccessControl
Access control of DSi (Twilight) software.